Are you looking for a way to share your faith, time, and talents with others? The Children’s Faith Formation department needs you!! Volunteers are needed as catechists (teachers), catechist aides, sacramental preparation, office and resource support, and safety monitors. You don’t have to have a child in our program to volunteer. We encourage all adults to prayerfully consider whether this ministry is right for you! All volunteers must be cleared through our Safe Environment program. We will provide training and support along the way. If interested, please contact the Children’s Faith Formation office at 972-961-9384
Catechist Training Opportunities
In an effort to provide quality catechesis throughout our diocese, the Catholic Diocese of Dallas Catechetical Plan was developed, with the endorsement of our Bishop. The hope of this plan is to help our catechists and volunteers grow and develop a greater understanding of the Catholic faith. It is expected that every catechist/volunteer, whether you are working with children, youth or adults, complete the basic courses prior to, or as soon as possible after, beginning ministry as catechists/volunteers.
**For a complete listing of course offerings, please visit the Catechetical page of the Diocese of Dallas website at It is simple to find courses by viewing the calendar, searching by course title, or even by searching a specific parish for scheduled classes. To register for any of the courses you may simply click the course on the calendar or by clicking on the course icon after you search. If you have questions, please contact Sara Campbell at [email protected] or call (972)961-9384.